Tree Canopy Assessment Report

A detailed analysis of tree canopy changes in Boise from 2013 to 2021, highlighting gains, losses, and the community’s role in urban forest management

Understanding the Tree Canopy Assessment

The City of Boise Tree Canopy Assessment Report provides a comprehensive look at the changes in tree canopy cover within the City of Boise from 2013 to 2021. This report is a valuable tool for understanding the extent of the urban forest within the region, showcasing both gains and losses in tree canopy cover over time.

Key Findings

  • Tree Canopy Growth: A net gain of 1.7% in tree canopy cover from 2013 to 2021.

  • Canopy Area: A net increase of 1,255 acres in canopy cover across Boise, with a total canopy cover of 11.7% by 2021.

  • Canopy Loss: Despite gains, 1,340 acres of tree canopy were lost during the study period.

  • Community Involvement: The majority of Boise's tree canopy is contributed by private residential properties, emphasizing the community's role in maintaining and expanding the city’s urban forests.

Why It Matters

Boise's tree canopy is a vital resource that enhances the environmental quality of the city, providing shade, improving air quality, and supporting biodiversity. The assessment highlights the importance of continued efforts by the community, government, and organizations to preserve and expand tree canopy for future generations.

Download the Full Report

For a detailed breakdown of the data, including insights into neighborhood-level changes, zoning areas, and land ownership, download the full Tree Canopy Assessment Report:

Download the Full Report Here