Stormwater Mitigation

Our urban forest filters stormwater, directly reducing water pollution to our region’s waterways.

Stormwater Mitigation Benefits


Urban tree canopy and other vegetation (also called Green Stormwater Infrastructure or GSI) mitigates stormwater run-off by intercepting precipitation which can be absorbed by the vegetation and infiltrated into the soil.  This results in reduced run-off during heavy rain events which in-turn reduces the cost of traditional stormwater infrastructure (gray infrastructure) and reduces water pollution into our rivers and streams.

Treasure Valley's tree canopy mitigates 125 million gallons of stormwater annually, saving $1.1 million in infrastructure costs. Through future strategic tree planting (showcased below), we can further improve stormwater benefits throughout our region


Local Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Resources created by our partners


ACHD GIS Fact Sheet

ACHD Permeable Pavers

GSI Economics in the Boise Urban Area

ACHD Bio-Swales

ACHD Tree Systems

Boise Subwatershed Plan

ACHD Bio-Retention Areas

Fairview Avenue Green St. Conceptual Design